Special String Operations Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Built-in Classes - Special String Operations

Special String Operations

Since strings are a general and important category of programming, java has added special support for various string operations inside the syntax of the language. These operations involve the automatic creation of new string instances from string literals, concatenation of several string objects through use of the + operator, and the conversion of other data types to a string representation. Those are explicit functions available to perform all of these functions, Other than java do them automatically as a convenience for the programmer and to add clarity.

String Buffer Constructors

StirngBuffer declares these three constructors:


StringBuffer(int size)

StringBuffer(String str)

The default constructor with no parameter reserves room for 16 characters without deallocation. The second version accepts integer arguments which explicitly set the size of the buffer. A 3rd version accepts a String argument which characters without reallocation. A StringBuffer allocates room for 16 additional characters whenever no specific buffer length is requested, since reallocation is a costly allocating room for a few extra characters, StringBuffer decrease the number of reallocations which take place.

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