Reinforced Brickwork Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Brick Masonry - Reinforced Brickwork

Reinforced Brickwork

Plain brickwork is not capable of taking any tensile stress. Through giving reinforcement of steel bars or flats or wire mesh the brickwork would be able to withstand a few amount of tensile force. Like brickwork is called as reinforced brickwork. Good quality bricks having average compressive strength of 7.5 N/mm2 and above and cement mortar not leaner than 1: 4 is used in such a construction. Reinforced brickwork could be used in the construction of retaining walls. In half brick masonry, it is the general practice to give here, reinforcement consisting of two 6 or 8 mm dia bars or hoop iron of dimension 25 mm × 3 mm. Half the mortar for the joint is first laid, the reinforcement placed and the keeping mortar laid so in which the steel is fully embedded in the mortar. Reinforced brickwork has the subsequent benefits:

(a)        Simplicity of construction.

(b)       Good sound and permanent work including extremely low repairing charges.

(c)        Reinforced brick construction is fire protected.

(d)       Neat and better appearance of the finished work.

(e)        Cool rooms.

(f)        It is cheaper compare to any other forms of pucca roofing.


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