Currents of BJT Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Bipolar Junction Transistor Construction - Currents of BJT

The Currents of BJT

1.     The collector current.

2.     The Emitter Current.

3.     The base Current.

Collector Current

                                It can be represented as   IC=ISe(VBE/VT)

                                                Is= saturation current or current scale factor.

The Base Current

                               It is presented through IB=IC/ β

        Where β is a constant for transistor and is called as common emitter current gain, as


The Emitter Current

                        As the total current which enters a transistor must depart it, thus we may write


                                                                                But IB=IC/ β


                                                                                IE=IC+IC/ β



                                                                                IE= IC(β+1)/ β


                                                                                IE=  Is e(VBE/VT) (β+1)/ β

                                Otherwise, we may write

                                                                                IC=αIE                                    α= β/ (β+1)

                                Or                                           IE=(Is/α) e(VBE / VT)

                                We may also write


                                                α is called as common base current gain.

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