Nucleic Acid Hybridization Assignment Help

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Nucleic Acid Hybridization:

Nucleic acid thermodynamics is the learning of how temperature affects the nucleic acid structure of dsDNA (double-stranded DNA). The melting temperature (Tm) is described as the temperature at that half of the DNA strands are in the double-helical state and half are in the random coil state. The Tm is depends on the length of the DNA molecule and its specific nucleotide sequence. The DNA, when in a state where its two strands are dissociated example for the dsDNA molecule exists as two independent strands is provided to as having been denatured through the high temperature.

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Nucleic acid hybridization is a fundamental tool in molecular genetics that takes benefits of the ability of individual single-stranded nucleic acid molecules to form double-stranded molecules (which is, to hybridize to each other). For this to occur, the interacting single-stranded molecules must have a sufficiently high degree of base complementarily. Normal nucleic acid hybridization assays included using a labeled nucleic acid probe to recognize associated DNA or RNA molecules (that is ones with a considerably high degree of sequence similarity) within a complex mixture of unlabeled nucleic acid molecules, the goal nucleic acid.

DNA microarrays Hybridization reaction
In situ hybridization Monitoring specific nucleic acid sequences
Northern blotting Southern blotting
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