Nitrogen Fixation and Assimilation Assignment Help

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Nitrogen Fixation and Assimilation:

Nitrogen is required mostly for the synthesis of amino acids and nucleotides. Sources of nitrogen can be acquire from organic as well as inorganic sources, but the whole target is the similar; move it into the cell and then convert it to amino acids and ammonia. The Inorganic create of nitrogen can also serve as sources of nitrogen. One of the most general compounds utilized is nitrate. Several plants, bacteria and fungi are capable of this assimilatory nitrate reduction. The Nitrate is decrease to nitrite through the enzyme nitrate reductase and nitrite is then decrease to ammonia in a series of two electron transfers through nitrite reductase. The last product being ammonia that is readily incorporated into amino acids.

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Nitrate in the natural environment is associatively rare. The Microbes capable of using the other way nitrogen sources have a benefits and a subset of microbes is capable of acquire the nitrogen they required from nitrogen gas. Nitrogen gas makes up about 79 percent of our atmosphere and is simply available. Molecular nitrogen is a stable unreactive gas with a triple bond among the two atoms and the reduction of it to ammonia is an energy expensive procedure.

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Nitrogen assimilation Nitrogen cycle
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