Nerve Function Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Biochemistry - Nerve Function

Nerve Function:

The main function of the nerve cells of the body is contact. This is accomplished through passing electrical and chemical messages from neuron to neuron or from neuron to other goal cells. The nerve impulse is essentially an electrical stimulus which travels over the cell's membrane.  It passes by the axons and dendrites of the neurons. It travels through the dendrites from the skin and then reaches the axon, cell body, and the Synapse and axon terminals of the neuron.

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There are several kinds of neurons, but in common neurons have certain typical structures. The cell body (also known the soma or perikaryon) of the neuron contains the nucleus that frequently has a prominent nucleolus. Spreading out from the cell body are long projections that are: the dendrites and axons. Dendrites hold electrical impulses towards the cell body although axons carry electrical messages away from the cell body. Whereas the axon joins the cell body there is a region call the axon hillock that is important in producing action potentials. The cell body commonly contains abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum that in the neuron is known Nissl substance.

Action potential Nerve cells
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