DNA Cloning Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Biochemistry - DNA Cloning

DNA Cloning:

DNA Cloning in biology is the procedure of producing same populations of genetically identical individuals which occurs in nature when organisms like as insects, bacteria or plants reproduce asexually. The Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to build copies of DNA fragments molecular cloning, cells cell cloning or organisms. The word also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product like as software or digital media.

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Cloning is the procedure of moving a gene from the chromosome it occurs in obviously to an autonomously replicating vector. Within the cloning process, the DNA is erased from cells, manipulations of the DNA are carried out in a test-tube and the DNA is importantly put back into cells. Since E. coli is so well characterized, it is commonly the cell of choice for manipulating DNA molecules. Formerly the appropriate combination of cloned and vector DNA or construct has been build in E. coli, the construct can be put into other cell kinds.

Basics of DNA cloning DNA libraries
Principle of DNA cloning Screening DNA libraries
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