Bending Stress Due to Biaxial Bending:
In Figure 8, the bending moment acts in the plane OM, where O is the centroid of the section and UU and VV are the principal axes of the section.
The plane OM in which the bending moment M lies makes an angle θ with the axis OV. Hence the resolved parts of M along OV and OU are Mu = M cos θ and Mv = M sin θ.
[Note: Here mark that the moment in plane OV is called Mu since it bends the section about the perpendicular axis U-U, similarly Mv bends it about VV.]

If P is any point within the section, whose co-ordinates with reference to UU and VV are u, v after than the stress at P due to the component M cos θ is given by
fu = Mu/Iuu × v = M cos θ/Iuu × v
Same stress because of component M sin θ will be
fv = (M sin θ / Ivv)u
And the total stress at P will be
f = (M sin θ / Ivv)v + (M sin θ/ Ivv)u