Polynomial Best Fit Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Best Fit - Polynomial Best Fit

Polynomial Best Fit:

Generally an mth order polynomial also might be utilized for fitting the data (m = i indicate to linear regression). Let an mth order regression polynomial

              f ( x) = c0  + c1 x + c2  x 2   + . . . + cm  xm .

After then, the sum of squares of differences shall be

476_Polynomial Best Fit.png

The coefficients c0, c1, c2, -------------cm are to be find out through minimizing S. The following system of (m + 1) equations is then get for the unknown coefficients

2470_Polynomial Best Fit1.png

The solution of these equations yields the wished polynomial for a best fit.

It might be noted down that for most practical difficulty, the value of m is, in general, from 1 to 4.

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