Change within kinetic energy of mass Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Bernoulli’s Equation - Change within kinetic energy of mass

Change within kinetic energy of mass:

The change within kinetic energy of mass m is given by:

Δ KE = 1/2 m v22 - 1/2 m v12                                                                                                        

To obtain an expression for the work done on the liquid due to pressure at points A and B, now let the pressure force at A displaces the fluid by a distance δ x1 and the corresponding displacement at point B is δ x2. So, the work done at A = p1 a1 δ x1 and work done at point B = - p2 a2 δ x2. The negative sign indicates in which at point B, a pressure force p2 a2 is directed opposite to the displacement δ x2. So, the net work done on the liquid due to pressure forces is (p1 a1 δ x1 -p2  a2  δ x2 ) . Now, since a1 δ x1 and a2 δ x2 are the volumes of equal mass m, we may write, a1 δ x1= a2 δ x2= m/ ρ. Thus, the net work done on the liquid of mass m by the liquid pressure can be written as:

(p1- p2 ) m/ρ

There is yet another kind of force acting on the fluid: the gravitational force, which contributes to the work done on the liquid of mass m.

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