Power Transmitted by Belt Drive Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Belt - Chain and Gears - Power Transmitted by Belt Drive

Power Transmitted by Belt Drive:

The power transmitted through the belt based on the tension on the two sides and the belt speed.

Consider         T1 is the tension on the tight side in 'N'

                       T2 is the tension on the slack side in 'N', and

                       V is the speed of the belt in m/sec.

Then power transmitted through the belt is given through

Power P = (T1  - T2 ) V

= ((T1 - T2 ) V)/1000  kW                    . . . (8.10)

334_Power Transmitted by Belt Drive.png

If belt is on the point of slipping.

1124_Power Transmitted by Belt Drive1.png                                         . . . (8.11)

The maximum tension T1 based on the capacity of the belt to endure force. If permit able stress in the belt is 'σt' in 'Pa', that means N/m2, then

T1  = (σt  × t × b) N                                                             . . . (8.12)

Here t is thickness of the belt in 'm' and b is width of the belt also in m.

The above equations may also be utilized to find out 'b' for given power and speed.

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