Kinematics of Chain Drive Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Belt - Chain and Gears - Kinematics of Chain Drive

Kinematics of Chain Drive:

The chain is wrapped round the sprocket as illustrated in Figure (d). The chain in motion is illustrated in Figure. This might be observed that the position of axial line modify among the two position as illustrated by the dotted line & full line. The dotted line meets at B while extended having the line of centres the firm line meets the line of centres at A while extended. The speed of the driving sprocket call 'ω1' will be constant however the velocity of chain shall vary among ω1 × O1 C and ω1 × O1 D. Thus,

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The variation in the chain speed is responsible for the variation in the angular speed of the driven sprocket. The angular speed of the driven sprocket shall vary between

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This variation may be drop off by enhancing number of teeth on the sprocket.

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