Initial Tension Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Belt - Chain and Gears - Initial Tension

Initial Tension:

While a belt is mounted on the pulley some amount of initial tension call 'T0' is provided in the belt, or else power transmission is not possible due to a loose belt may not sustain difference in the tension.

While the drive is stationary the whole tension on both sides shall be '2 T0'.

While belt drive is transmitting power the entire tension on both of the sides shall be (T1 + T2), here T1 is tension on tight side, and T2 is tension on the slack side.

If influence of centrifugal tension is neglected.

2T0  = T1 + T2


1510_Initial Tension.png

 If effect of centrifugal tension is considered, then

T0  = Tt  + Ts  = T1 + T2  + 2TC     or,

2435_Initial Tension1.png  ....8.14

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