Cone Pulleys Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Belt - Chain and Gears - Cone Pulleys

Cone Pulleys:

Sometimes the driving shaft is driven through the motor that rotates at constant speed however the driven shaft is designed to be driven at different speeds. It can be easily completed using stepped or cone pulleys as illustrated in Figure. The cone pulley contains different sets of radii and they are decided such that the similar belt may be utilized at different sets of the cone pulleys.

840_Cone Pulleys.png

Assume Nd be the speed of the driving shaft that is constant.

Nm be the speed of the driven shaft while the belt is on nth step.

rn be the radius of the nth step of driving pulley.

Rn be the radius of the nth step of the driven pulley. Where n is an integer i.e., 1, 2, . . .

The speed ratio is inversely proportional to the pulley radii

1817_Cone Pulleys1.png       . . . (8.3)

 For this first step radii r1 and R1 can be selected conveniently.

 For second pair

925_Cone Pulleys2.png, and likewise 33_Cone Pulleys3.png


In order to utilize same belt on all of the steps, the length of the belt must be same

i.e.  L1  = L2  = .. . = Ln                                 . . . (8.4)

 Therefore, two equations are available - one provided through the speed ratio and other provided through the length relation & for chosen speed ratio, the two radii may be calculate. Also it needs to be kept in mind that the two pulleys are similar. It is wanted that the speed ratios must be in geometric progression.

Assume k be the ratio of progression of speed.

2188_Cone Pulleys4.png

As, both of the pulleys are made alike.

1609_Cone Pulleys5.png                     . . . (8.5)

 If radii R1 and r1 have been selected, the above equations provide value of k or vice-versa.

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