Keywords and Identifiers Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Basic Elements of C++ Character Set - Keywords and Identifiers

Keywords and Identifiers

C++ language is classified as either a keyword or an identifier. All the identifiers have fixed meaning and these meanings cannot be changed. Keywords serve as the simple building blocks for program statements. The list of all keywords is listed given below. All keywords have to be written in lowercase.

auto                double                   int                   struct             break

else                switch case         long                  enum            register          

typedef           extern                   char                  return            union             

const              short                    float                  unsigned       continue

for                  signed                   void                  default           goto

sizeof              volatile do              if                      static             while

Identifiers refer to the names of functions, variables and arrays. These are user - defined names and consist of a sequence of digits and letters.

Examples of identifiers

                 Valid identifiers                  Invalid identifiers

                   Count                      1count(digit,as a first letter is not allow)

                   test 23                     hi! (Special characters excepts under score are not allowed)

                   high_bal                   high balance(no space allowed)

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