Complementary Shear Stresses Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Basic Concepts of Stresses and Strains - Complementary Shear Stresses

Complementary Shear Stresses

Let the equilibrium of the solid element of dimensions l, b & h and acted upon by shear stress components τxy and τyx as illustrated in Figure. By inspection, we might identify that the components τxy on a pair of vertical planes & the pair of τyx on two horizontal planes satisfy independently the force equilibrium equations:

                    Σ Fx = 0   and      Σ Fy = 0

Let us assume the moment equilibrium equations. τxy components on planes CDHG and ABFE have resultant forces Qxy = τxy  . b. h which compose a couple equal to (τxy. b.h) × l. likewise, the moment of the couple formed by the shear stress component τxy= (τyx. l.b) h. For equilibrium,

 (τxy . b . h) l + (τyx  . l . b) h = 0    or  Txy = - τyx.

That is τxy is always accompanied by - τyx and this pair of shear stresses are called as complementary shear stresses.


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While a piece of carrot is cut into two pieces, the force exerted with the knife acts on surface parallel to the force and therefore the carrot is sheared into two. Similarly, you might think over the several cases of load applications in our day-to-day life and recognize the cases in which shear stresses are involved.

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