Properties of the B-spline Functions:
Properties of the B-spline Functions are following
1. Local Support Property: Ni, p (u) = 0 for u outside the interval [ui, ui + p+1). This property might be deduced from the observation above that Ni, p (u) is a linear combination of Ni, p-1 (u) and Ni + 1, p-1 (u).
2. In any given knot span, at most p + 1 of the basis functions are non-zero. Which basis functions might be non-zero in the knot span [uj, uj+1)?
3. Non-negativity: Ni, p (u) for all i, p and u. it is proved easily utilizing induction on p.
4. Partition of Unity: For any knot span, [ui, ui+1), addition of Nj, p (u) = 1.
5. Continuity: All derivatives of Ni, p (u) present in the interior of any knot span (As it is a polynomial).
At a knot, Ni, p (u) is (p - k) times differentiable, where k is the multiplicity of the knot (that means, the number of knots of the simialr value is the multiplicity of the knot at that value).