Instrumentation for Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Assignment Help

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Instrumentation for Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry:

You have learnt so far in which the atomic fluorescence spectrometry concerns the measurement of fluorescence emission of the atomic species in which have been excited along with the help of a appropriate electromagnetic radiation. This in turn needs in which vapourised atoms of the analyte should be in ground state. Therefore, in the atomic fluorescence analysis of samples the analyte atoms requires to be vapourised, desolvated, and atomised at a associative low temperature. This could be achieved along with the help of a heat pipe, flame, or graphite furnace. Once the vapourised atoms are provided a hollow cathode lamp or a tuned laser commonly gives the monochromatic radiation for resonant excitation to promote the atoms to higher energy levels.

Therefore, in atomic fluorescence spectrometry the analyte is brought within an atom reservoir (flame, furnace, etc.) and excited through absorbing monochromatic radiation emitted through a basic source. The atomic fluorescence radiation emitted through the excited atoms is then suitably dispersed and detected through monochromators and photomultiplier tubes, as in case of atomic emission spectroscopy instrumentation and sent to appropriate readout device. The atomic fluorescence spectrometer consists of the subsequent necessary components.

  • Radiation source
  • Atom reservoir
  • Monochromator
  • Detection system
  • Readout device


Atom Reservoirs Atomic fluorescence spectrometer
Detectors Electrodeless discharge lamp
Hollow cathode lamp Monochromators
Radiation Sources Readout Devices
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