Commonly used Radioisotopes:
Several hundred radioisotopes are being used in various types of physicochemical and other investigations. A few commonly used radioisotopes available in solution form from the Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), Mumbai are listed in Table 12.3. It includes the half-life, nature and energy of radiation and the chemical from of availability. It might be remembered that these radioisotopes, within the form of desired chemical from as radiotracer and are available as carrier free or within desired specific activity. As far as probable, one must opt for carrier free form but if not available then one may opt for higher specific activity radiotracer so that statistically significant count rate with least amount may be obtained.
Table: Characteristics of commonly used radiotracers obtainable from BRIT
Half-life designated by y, d, h, m and s stand for year, days and hours respectively. The β emission is to be always understood as β - except where shown as β +. Also 0.51 MeV γ represent annihilation photons.