Water Meter,Velocity or Inferential Meters,Positive or Displacement Meters Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Appurtenances For House Water Connection - Water Meter,Velocity or Inferential Meters,Positive or Displacement Meters

Water Meter

Water meters are connected after the stop cock to measure the quantity of water supplied to a premises. With the help of reading within water meter, quantity of water consumed is accessed and consumer is charged accordingly. They are classified according to the method of measuring flow. Mainly there are two types of meters. Those are

•    Velocity or inferential meters, and
•    Positive or displacement meters.

Velocity or Inferential Meters

Such types of meter work on principle of measuring the horizontal velocity of water flowing through them. Higher the velocity of water more water will discharge through the meter and, thus, higher the consumption. Turbine meter and venturimeter are examples of this category.

Positive or Displacement Meters

They work by the flow of water causing a piston to reciprocate within a cylinder and communicating the movement finally to a system of dials, which register the quantity of flow. But such type of meters is very bulky and heavy. Therefore an improvement has been completed and the improved ones are known as semi-positive meters. They are widely used for domestic supplies. Positive or displacement meter may be rotary, oscillatory or rotating disc type.

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