Bib Cocks
In common language, it is also called water taps. They are valves provided in the plumbing system to take out water in the consumers premises such as both room, kitchen etc. Several varieties of water taps are available in the market. Two typical types of bib cocks in common use in houses are shown in Figure By turning the handle of the bib cocks, the orifice opening can be increased or decreased through which water flows. They are known as compression type bib cocks. In one type, the compression bib cock, through turning the stem down, the washer sits on the orifice seat which has no renewable washer. In other type, the seat has got renewable seat washer also.
![2013_Bib Cocks.png]( Cocks.png)
Figure : Bib Cocks
In the push type of big cock, it opens with a slight push given vertically upward and closes down automatically due to self-weight. Such valves are mostly used in public places to avoid wastage of water from compression type (handle type) of bib cock which may be left opened by irresponsible persons. Cross-section of push type bib cock is shown in Figure .
![1905_Bib Cocks 1.png]( Cocks 1.png)
Figure : Push Type Bib Cock