Generative Type CAPP
In generative process planning, a new process plan is made every time, by using a set of algorithms depend on general rules regarding manufacturing routes. The input to the system is in the form of a detailed description of the part, by including a geometric description of the part to be manufactured & material specifications.
In a generative process planning database system, process plans are built from the information available in a manufacturing database without human intervention. Technological & logistical decisions are made up by the computer by using a set of algorithms to attain a viable manufacturing plan. Though, knowledge of manufacturing should be captured and encoded into efficient software. Other planning functions such like, tool selection, machine selection, and process optimisation can also be incorporated in the program. Therefore, the system can synthesise the design of a manufacturing process. Though, current generative CAPP systems fall short of the ideal and are restricted to small manufacturing processes. Human intervention is often utilized during decision making. Implementation of generative CAPP systems require the following :
- Logic of process planning has to be identified and captured.
- The part to be produced must be defined in 3D model or GT code.
- The logic of process planning and part description must be incorporated into a uniform manufacturing database.
Some of the advantages of generative process planning are the ability to generate consistent process plans quickly, the possibility of planning for new components with relative ease, and potential of interfacing with an automated manufacturing facility to provide detailed control information. Given Table provides a list of some of the existing generative CAPP systems.
Table: Some Generative Process Planning Systemsa