Application of POC-Approach Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Approaches to ERP Package Selection - Application of POC-Approach

Application of POC-Approach:

The decision regarding final choice of one ERP-solution is extremely difficult. Several available alternatives would be capable of serving the requisite function. Hence, a considerable level of confidence is required before going for trial or final stage of procurement. The confidence might be attained by an actual trial in the company's environment for a reasonable period of time, as, one or two months.

The use of POC-approach is depicted in the Figure below:

The POC approach and its implementation are supported by vendor, who should be eager to extend his facilities. Consultants, if hired yet this stage, advice about efforts needed for the change. Help of somebody, who has hands-on experience on previous implementation, is extremely useful. The role of the task-force is to coordinate and organize the business activities and make an in-depth deliberation on several issues.

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Figure: Use of POC-Approach in Transforming Business into "TO-BE" Situation

Next aspect would be connecting the approach to reality. For this, some kind of pre-planning is needed. To start with, the enterprise must prepare the present scenario in the minutest detail. It is called, "AS-IS mapping of enterprise". Next thing which is needed is to visualize scenario that might emerge after the implementation. It is known as, "TO-BE mapping of the Enterprise".

Now, the POC is applied to map the procedure of the enterprise on the software. The purpose would be how to transform the enterprise from an "AS-IS" situation to "TO-BE" situation. At this stage, the help of implementation expert & support of vendor are extremely crucial.

Comparison of RFP and POC Approaches
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