Speciation of Different Anions of Sulphur Assignment Help

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Speciation of Different Anions of Sulphur:

In its unique application, paper chromatography has been successfully used for speciation studies of sulphur such as S2-, SO32-, SO42-,S2O32-, S4O62- using radiotracer 35S. The Whatman No. 1 filter paper was used along with solvent mixtures of dioxane, n-butyl alcohol-1N ammonia (1:1:1) and acetone-iso- propanol-liquor ammonia (1:1:1). Various spots corresponding to various anions can be identified by radioactivity measurements using a G. M. counter. The Rf values for SO42-,S2O32-, S4O62- and S2- were found to be 0.12, 0.43, 0.54 and 0.77, respectively. Similarly, Rf values for S2O32- and SO32- were found to be 0.14 and 0.61, respectively.

Paper treated with silicone or paraffin oil permits reversed phase paper chromatography where mobile phase is a highly polar solvent. This technique is referred to as 'reverse-phase PC'. The Commercially available papers coated along with adsorbent or ion-exchange resin offer additional applications of adsorption and ion-exchange paper chromatography.

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