Preparative Applications Assignment Help

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Preparative Applications:

In preparative applications, there are two distinct categories of uses.

i) Preparative group separation

ii) Preparative fractionation. Let us study about them briefly.

Preparative group separation

In a large number of biochemical preparations, desalting and exchange of buffers is an important step. Theoretically, there is no problem in achieving this separation but in actual practice, some problems may be encountered. If distilled water is being used as an eluant, tailing may be more pronounced than at higher ionic strength. Moreover, dilution is another problem. That is proposed to use volatile electrolytes like pyridinium acetate and ethylenediamine acetate. The technique is not only confined to desalting of macromolecules but it has also been extended to desalting of virus.

Preparative fractionation Preparative group separation
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