Multistep controlled potential electrolysis Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications - Multistep controlled potential electrolysis

Multistep controlled potential electrolysis:

Determination of several metal ions in the same solution is possible along with controlled potential electrolysis using mercury pool cathode. A sample solution containing various metal ions such as Cu2+, Bi3+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ could be analyzed through controlled potential analysis.  Whenever the cathode potential is controlled at about + 0.008 vs. SCE, Cu2+   is decreased to Cu0. While the current decays to zero, then the potential could be controlled so in which Bi3+ could be reduced to Bi0. Following through controlling the potentials, Pb2+ could be determined as Pb0 and Zn2+ as Zn. A sample of brass/bronze which contains Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ could be analyzed through this technique.

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