Raman spectrum Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications of Raman Spectroscopy - Raman spectrum

Raman spectrum:

In addition, since in Raman spectrum we measure the shifts in the frequencies rather than the frequencies   themselves   it makes   regions   below 600 cm-1   accessible   that otherwise cannot be explored in IR spectroscopy.   This characteristic is quite significant for analysing inorganic samples especially the coordination compounds since the metal - ligand bonds commonly absorb in this region. As water does not scatter much, Raman spectroscopy  could  be  used  to  measure  species  dissolved  or  suspended  in  aqueous solutions. This opens up the field for inorganic species.

Because of the remote non-invasive sampling, minimal sample preparation needs and tolerance of water, Raman spectroscopy is starting to play an important role in environmental analysis.  The current  environmental  applications  apply majorly to the heavily contaminated  situations it is expected which in with newer sampling technologies Raman spectroscopy might soon be more applicable to the analysis of potable water, within remote sensing and in analysis of gaseous pollutants.

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