Applications of Polarography Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications of Polarography, Amperometric Titrations - Applications of Polarography

Applications Of Polarography:

Most metal ions are reducible at DME, and multicomponent mixtures can frequent be analysed through selecting an appropriate supporting electrolyte so in which the half-wave potentials of two ions are differed through about -0.2 V vs SCE or by using complexing agents by taking the advantage of complexing ability of the metal ions.

Based on this, polarography is used predominantly for trace metal analysis of alloys, ultra-pure metals, minerals/metallurgy, environmental analysis (air, water, and soil and sea water contaminants), foodstuffs, beverages and body-fluids, toxicology and clinical analysis. Reducible anions such as BrO-, IO3-, and Cr2O2- and NO2- could also be determined using well buffered solutions.

Table 9.1:  Different samples and Element or Compound determined

Parts or Compound determined             Type of sample

Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn                                               Foodstuffs

Ga, Zn, Cd, Ni                                              high purity aluminium

Cu, Pb, Ni, Co                                               Steels

Sn, Pb                                                             Beer and soft drinks

Transition metals                                         High-purity salts

Free sulphur                                                             Petroleum fractions

Antioxidants                                                 Fuels

Riboflavin                                                     Milk, pharmaceuticals

Vitamin C                                                      Fruit and vegetables

Oxygen                                                          Sea water, gases

It is also meaningfu in the analysis of biological systems to determine vitamins, hormones, alkaloids, terpenoid substances and natural colouring substance, analysis of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations, determination of pesticide or herbicide residues in foods, in the structure determination of several organic compounds etc.

Polarographic analysis of organic compounds
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