Applications Of Amperometric Titrations Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications of Polarography, Amperometric Titrations - Applications Of Amperometric Titrations

Applications Of Amperometric Titrations

Amperometric titrations have even huger range of applications than polarography since even electro-inactive substances could be determined using electro-active titrant.

According to Ilkovic equation id is proportional to concentration keeping all other factors of the equation constant. Then, if a few of the electroactive material in the solution is removed through interaction along with some other reagent (e.g.: EDTA reagent for Zn2+ determination) the diffusion current will decrease. This is the fundamental principle of polarographic titrations or amperometric titrations.

The diffusion current at a suitable applied voltage is measured as a function of the volume of the titrating solution. The last point is the intersection of two lines giving the change of current before and after the equivalence point.

Table:  Examples of amperometric titrations

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