Precipitation and complex formation titrations Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications of coulometric titration - Precipitation and complex formation titrations

Precipitation and complex formation titrations:

A huge number of coulometric titrations have been developed along with the anodic generation of silver (I) ions.  The generator electrode consisting of a heavy silver wire could be constructed and a cell of the categories displays in Figure could be used.  Endpoints could be detected along with adsorption indicators or through potentiometric method. Same titrations based upon the generation of mercury (I) ions at a mercury anode have been defines.

Complexometric titrations using ethylenediaminetetracetate ions (HY3-) generated at a mercury cathode have been developed for the titration of various cations. Reduction of the ammine mercury (II) EDTA chelate at a mercury cathode was used to provide [HY3-] ions.

HgNH3Y2- + NH4+ + 2e-      ?        Hg + 2NH3   + HY3-

Because mercury chelate is more stable than the corresponding complexes along with calcium, zinc, lead or copper, titrations of these cations are possible through this method.

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