Ionic Product of Water Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications of Conductometry - Ionic Product of Water

Ionic Product of Water:

Water containing a certain proportion of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, therefore conductometric methods may be used to determine the ionic product of water. Ionisation of water is given by following equation:

H2O  ⇔   H+ + OH -

An equilibrium constant within terms of activity can be written as

Kw = aH+ aOH- /aH2O

but, since, for pure water,  a H2O= 1, thus

Kw    = aH+  aOH - ≈ [H + ] [OH - ]

where Kw is called the ionic product of water. Kw can be determined from conductivity measurements as follows.

If the concentration of ionized water is c, after that

cH +  = cOH-   = c


Conductivity and Ionic product of water Molar conductivity
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