Degree of Dissociation of Weak Electrolyte Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applications of Conductometry - Degree of Dissociation of Weak Electrolyte

Degree of Dissociation of Weak Electrolyte and its Dissociation Constant:

Conductivity values can be used for calculating degree of dissociation. Let's recapitulate equilibrium constants of weak acid and bases. When a weak acid or a weak base dissolved in water, partial dissociation occurs.

For a weak acid HA, equilibrium state can be represented as:

HA    ?      H+   + A-

Initial concentrations                       c          0          0

Equilibrium concentrations           c (1- α)           cα        cα

while c is the concentration of the acid and α is the degree of dissociation or degree of ionization.

The thermodynamic equilibrium constant (that in this case in an acid dissociation constant, Ka) is written as

Ka= (aH+ aA-)/aHA ≈ [H+][A-]/[HA]

From Eq. 6.1, it clears that,

[HA] =  (1- α) c  and  [H+]  =  [A - ]  =  αc

Substitute these vales in Eq. (6.2)

Ka = α 2 c/ (1 - α)

Eq. (6.3) is termed as Ostwal's dilution law.

Case of weak electrolytes Conductometric methods
Solubility product
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