Application of Coulometric Titration Assignment Help

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Application of Coulometric Titration:

Coulometry as controlled potential has limited application because several substances do not undergo quantitative reaction at the working electrode along with 100% current effectiveness during electrolyses. Within coulometry at controlled constant current the range of substance which could be determined the continually increasing. The method could be safely applied even in those substances that do react quantitatively along with a substance that is produced quantitatively at the electrode with 100 percent current efficiency, therefore in constant current coulometry is employed to produce a reagent that reacts stoicheometrically with the substance to be determined. The quantity of substances reacted is compute with the Faraday's Law, the quantity of electricity passed could be emulated simply from the time of electrolysis at constant current. The primary requirement of a coulometric titration are, the reagent generating electrode reaction must proceeds along with 100% efficiency and the produced reagent should react stoicheometrically and rapidly along with the substance to be determined. The reagent might be generated directly inside the test solution (Internal generating cell) or it might be produced in an external cell that is permitted to our continuously within the test solution. Since extremely small quantity of electricity could be readily measured along with a high degree of accuracy, the method has high sensitivity.

Advantages of Coulometric Titrations Chloride
Complexometric titration Neutralization titrations
Oxidation – Reduction Titrations Precipitation and complex formation titration
Titration of a weak - strong base
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