Items are the objects contained in blocks. At the most basic level, the items serve as containers for data. The user can manipulate values in an item. A trigger or a procedure could also be used to manipulate item values. An item is always related with a block. Every block normally has one or more items.
In a base table the items in a block are commonly bound to columns. Entering data into such items will determine the values entered in related columns of the base table. In the other words, items can be filled with date from the base table through performing an SQL query on the base table.
Items required not always are bound to the columns of a base table. They can also contain calculated values, display related information from related tables or accept operator input for processing later. The Items are not connected to a base table are known as ‘Control Items’.
Items have attributes which can be set through the item’s property palette. These attributes might be set dynamically at runtime via suitable code as well. That attributes determine an item’s behavior at form run time.
Oracle Forms Builder supports several types of items which could be used to a build a form. The items supported through Oracle Forms Builder are described as below:

Text Item
The Text item displays data values and can be edited.
Display Item
The display item display information which must be fetched or assigned programmatically. That items are not navigable to and their contents cannot be directly edited.
List Item
A list item shows a list of choices from that only one value can be selected at a time.
A button is a rectangle with text label or an icon graphic. These items are generally used to initiate some action.
Check Box
A check box is a text label with an indicator which displays the current value as checked or unchecked. It is generally used as an item that takes in a yes /no or true/false like value. This item is generally bound to a table column, that must contain a single character value or a boolean value.
Radio Group
A radio group of two or more radio buttons, from that only one radio button can be active. Radio group item is used on a form to hold various radio buttons that are bound to a single table column. A technique generally used when multiple options are available only with a single value being stored in a table column.
Chart Item
Chart item is a bordered rectangle of any size which displays a chart produced through the Oracle Graphics Tool.
Image Item
An image item is a bordered rectangle of any size which displays images stored in a database or in a file. The Image items are dynamic and can modify with the image being displayed when needed.
OLE Container
An OLE container is a field which stores and displays an OLE object. An OLE objects are created for OLE server applications. OLE objects can be embedded or connected in an OLE container.
This characteristic is available for O/s which supports Object Linking and Embedding. Object Linking and Embedding is presently available on Microsoft platforms and Macintosh Windows.
OCX Control
An OCX control is a custom control which simplifies the enhancing and building of user interfaces. The OCX Controls are available for forms running on Microsoft windows, as Microsoft Windows is the only O/s which supports OCX controls.
A frame is a graphic object which appears on a canvas. The Frames are used to arrange items within a block.
• A frame is an object with properties.
• Each frame can be related with a block.
• When a frame is related with a block, the items in the block are automatically arranged within the frame.
• Frames can be sub-classed or involved within an Object Library to enforce visual standards.