Viewing Applets Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Applet versus Application - Viewing Applets

Viewing Applets:

As you know, applets are displayed as a category of a Web page. The special HTML tag, <APPLET>, is used to attach a Java applet to an HTML page. Running an applet needs the use of a Web browser or other software which serves the function of a browser, like as the applet viewer program those ships along with the Java Developers Kit from JavaSoft.

The browser acts as the OS for applets-you cannot run an applet as a standalone program in the similar way you can run an executable file.

At the time of this writing, there are three hugely available Web browsers which can run Java applets:

  • Netscape Navigator version 2.02 or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
  • JavaSoft HotJava 1.0 pre-beta 1


These programs load applets from a Web page and run them remotely on the Web user's computer. That arrangement raises security issues which must be handled through the Java language itself and through Java-enabled browsers.

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