Using Applet:
At the present day, applets are being used to finish far more than demonstrative goals. There are working instances of applets on Web sites throughout the Internet-a check of the AltaVista search engine searches more than 4,200 Web pages which have applets embedded on them.
The present uses of applets involve the subsequent:
1 Tickertape-style news and sports headline updates
2 Animated graphics
3 Video games
4 Student tests
5 Image maps that respond to mouse movement
6 Advanced text displays
7 Database reports
The below Figure displays a noteworthy example of an applet: the Instant Ballpark program from Instant Sports.
Instant Ballpark takes real-time data from live baseball games and updates its display to reflect what's happening within the game. Players run the bases, the ball goes to the place it was hit, and sound effects are used for strike calls, crowd noise, and other elements. A program, that was unique sufficient to qualify for a U.S. patent, that is reminiscent of the old-time baseball tradition of presenting the play-by-play for road games via moving metal figures on the side of a building. Further to the live coverage, Instant Ballpark can be used to review the play-by-play action of past games.
The applet displays one of the benefits of a Web program over a Web page. Within HTML and a few type of gateway programming language like as Perl, a Web page can offer textual updates to a game in progress. Therefore, Instant Ballpark offers a visual presentation of a live game further to text, and the applet could respond instantly to user input. Java could be used to give information to Web users in a more compelling way that is frequently the reason site providers are offering applets.