Functional subdivisions of the cerebellum
The inputs and outputs of the cerebellum are segregated give rise to three functional subdivisions. The vestibulocerebellum correspond to the flocculonodular lobe. The anterior and posterior lobes are prearranged into three parallel sagittal zones in humans as shown in figure below. The medial zone inhabits the vermis and sends its outcome to the fastigial nucleus. The intermediary zone plans to the interpositus nucleus (individual emboliform and globose nuclei in humans). Altogether the medial and intermediary zones constitute the spinocerebellum. The lateral zone of the posterior lobe corresponds to the cerebrocerebellum the cortex of which sends its outcome to the dentate nucleus
Figure: A diagram of the cerebellum unfurled and viewed from above. Positions of the deep cerebellar nuclei are shown on the left and of the cerebellar peduncles on the right. The medial zone is pale gray, the intermediary zone stippled, and lateral zone clear.