Geometric characteristics Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Analytic and Geometric Properties - Geometric characteristics

Geometric characteristics:

The NURBS curve shall exhibit the following geometric characteristics:

-          Bezier & non-rational b-spline curves are special cases.

 -         Local Approximation : If a control point is moved or a weight is altered, it shall influence the curve only in p = 1 knot spans.

-          Strong Convex Hull Property: If u ∉ [ui , ui +1 ] , then C (u) lies in the convex bull of Pi - p, . . . , Pi.

-          Invariance under affine & perspective transformations.

-          The similar differentiability property as with the basic functions.

-          If a specific weight is set to zero, then the equivalent control point has no influence at all on the curve.

If         wi → + ∞,


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NURBS surfaces might be analyzed similarly utilizing the bivariate rational basis functions

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