General Method for Velocity and Acceleration Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Analysis by Analytical Methods - General Method for Velocity and Acceleration

General Method for Velocity and Acceleration:

We begin with plane curvilinear motion utilizing polar coordinates to mention the position vector 'r' and its angular coordinate 'θ' calculated from a fixed reference axis as illustrated in .Assume er & eθ unit vectors in radial & transverse directions respectively.

These unit vectors contain positive directions in increasing r and θ. The vectors er and eθ are parallel to the positive senses of Vr & Vθ. Both of these unit vectors shall swing by the angle in the time dt. As illustrated in figure, their tips move by the distances | d er = 1| = 1 × dθ = dθ in the direction of eθ, and by deθ = 1 × d θ = d θ in the direction opposite to that of er. Hence,

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The velocity of a particle P which contain position vector 'r' is given by following

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here Vr & Vθ are the components of velocity in radial direction & transverse direction. The acceleration of particle P is given by following

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here ar represents radial component and aθ represents transverse component of acceleration.

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1829_General Method for Velocity and Acceleration6.png→ Acceleration of slider along with slotted link,

488_General Method for Velocity and Acceleration7.png  → Centripetal acceleration,

1294_General Method for Velocity and Acceleration8.png→ Tangential component of acceleration, and

655_General Method for Velocity and Acceleration9.png→ Coriolis' component of acceleration.

Find angular acceleration of link BD
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