Word Problems:
Chapter word problem covers ways of setting up word problems and solving for the unknowns.
Given a word problem and write equations and SOLVE for the unknown.
Basic Approach to Solving Algebraic Word Problems
Algebra is used to solve problems in science, business, industry, and the home. Algebraic equations can be used to elaborate laws of motion, electric circuits, pressures of gases, and nuclear facility operations. They can be applied to problems about the ages of people, football scores, the cost of articles, and other everyday matters. The primary approach to solving problems in these apparently not similar fields is the similar. First, condense the available information within algebraic equations, and, second, solve the equations. Of these two primary steps, the first is frequently the most hardest to master because there are no clearly described rules such as those that exist for solving equations.
Algebraic word problems should not be read with the objective of instantly determining the answer since only in the simpler problems is this probable. Word problems should be initially read to recognize what answer is asked for and to determine that quantity or quantities, if known, will provide this answer. All of these quantities are known as the unknowns in the problem. Recognizing all of the unknowns & writing algebraic expressions to elaborate them are frequent the most difficult part of solving word problems. Quite frequent, it is possible to identify and express the unknowns in various different ways and still solve the problem. Just as frequent, it is possible to identify and express the unknowns in various ways that appear various but are actually the similar relationship.
In writing algebraic expressions for the several quantities given in word problems, that is helpful to look for certain words that denote mathematical operations. The words "sum" and "total" signify addition; the word "difference" signifies subtraction; the words "product," "times," and "multiples of" signify multiplication; the words "quotient," "divided by," "per," and "ratio" signify division; and the words "same as" and "equal to" signify equality. While quantities are connected through these words and others such like them, these quantities can be written as algebraic expressions.
Sometimes you may require writing equations initially using words. For example, John is 30 years older than Demon. Express John age in terms of Demon.
John's age = Demon's age plus 30 years
If we let John's age be represented by the symbol J and Demon's age by the symbol D, this becomes
J = D+ 30 years