Graphing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Algebra - Graphing


Chapter graphing covers graphing functions and linear equations using several types of graphing systems.

 STATE the definition of the subsequent terms:

a. Ordinate

b. Abscissa

 Given  a  table  of  data,  Design  the  data  points  on  a cartesian coordinate graph.

 Given  a  table  of  data,  Design  the  data  points  on  a logarithmic coordinate graph.

 Given  a  table  of  data,  Design  the  data  points  on  the  appropriate graphing system to obtain the specified curve.

 Acquired data from a given graph.

 Given the data SOLVE for the unknown using a nomograph.

In work with physical systems, the relationship of one physical quantity to another is frequent of interest. For instance, the power level of a nuclear reactor can be measured at any given time. Therefore, this power level changes with time and is frequent monitored.  One method of associating one physical quantity to another is to tabulate measurements. Therefore, the power level of a nuclear reactor at specific times can be recorded in a log book. While this method does give information on the relationship among power level and time, it is a hard method to use effectively. In exacting, trends or changes are hard to visualize.  Graphs frequent overcome this drawback.  For this purpose, graphs are widely used.

Cartesian Coordinate Graphs Cartesian Coordinate System
Graphing Equations Logarithmic Graphs
Nomographs Pictorial Representation of Graph
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