Year Round Air Conditioning and Poultry Products Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Air Conditioning Equipment - Year Round Air Conditioning and Poultry Products

Year-Round Air-Conditioning:

In several countries, the winters and summers both are very uncomfortable. Under such unfavourable weather conditions, this is essential to have an air conditioning system that will provide comfort conditions during the year. Year round air-conditioning ought to be capable of maintaining a particular humidity and temperature in the air-conditioned spaces in spite of of outside weather conditions.

Poultry Products:

Poultry meat is preserved by chilling and freezing both. Chilling needs a lower capital investment while freezing offers quality & flexibility of operation.

A vital fraction of poultry meat is processed and transported through liquid chilling by the utilizing of flake ice. Air chilling is result in a significant amount of dehydration at the surface. The estimated time needed for chilling to 7°C is approximate 115 minutes for dressed birds, 50 minutes for eviscerated birds & 25 minutes for cut-up ones.

Since for freezing, the utilization of air-blast tunnels operating at air temperatures of - 29 to - 40°C and air velocities of 2.5 m/s or more is suggested. It ensures quick freezing that is essential to get good quality & appearance.

Cooling is also needed in poultry farms. A temperature higher than 29°C results in decreased egg production of lesser weight & thinner shells. A temperature of 24°C is suggested for poultry-keeping.

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