Fishery Products:
Refrigeration is needed in various ways in the processing, preservation & transport of fresh & frozen fish and their stuff. Care starts from the stage of catching in fishing boats & trawlers.
Icing of fish is primary done to cool it to a temperature of 0°C. The melt-water also provides helps to wash off the bacteria and slime. Frequently the fish are stock up in tanks by using refrigerated sea water at - 1°C. This is found that shrimp while stock up with refrigerated sea water is greater to that stored having ice. The storage life of freezing fish is generally 10 - 15 days.
More and more of fish are being freezing these days. The appreciated varieties of fish that are frozen include, shrimp, salmon, shell fish, etc. Specific rapid freezing (IQF) method is preferred for these products. Rapid freezing has various advantages. It makes stops bacterial spoilage & ensures fast handling, packaging and high-quality appearance of the product, and also makes optimum use of the freezer space. Rapid-freezing is attained by utilizing low refrigeration temperatures.