Comfort Air Conditioning Assignment Help

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Comfort Air Conditioning:

Effective temperature (ET) is described as that temperature of saturated air on which the subject would experience the similar feeling of relieve as experienced in the actual unsaturated environment. Given figure shows, for instance, a line of ET = 21.7°C. At lower humidifies, the DBTs of air might be higher for the similar ET & for the similar feeling of ease. Therefore at a higher DBT, the body would lose more heat in the means of latent heat that means through the evaporation of perspiration. A enhance in temperature can also be rewarded by an increase in velocity. For instance, an increase of 2 to 3°C in DBT might be compensated by growing the air velocity from 0.1 to 0.3 m/s.

 Depend on the theory of effective temperatures some comfort charts have been made up. To indicate one, there is the Finger's comfort chart. These can be referred to while a cooperation in the inside design conditions is to be attained. Additionally to the comfort charts, some of the comfort equations have also been built up.

The general practice is to suggest the described optimum inside design conditions for comfort for summer air conditioning:

ET  21.7°C

DBT 25 ± 1°C

 RH 50 ± 5%

The related room air velocity is 0.4 m/s. The points of equivalent comfort are illustrated in fig

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      Effective Temperature Lines

Throughout winter, the body acclimatized to endure lower temperatures. As a result, a DBT of 21°C at 50 % RH and 0.15-0.2 m/s air velocity is pretty comfortable.

Additionally to the maintenance of temperature, humidity & air velocity, this is also significant to maintain the purity of room air. Even if there are no resources of creation of pollutants in the conditioned space, the carbon dioxide content of air enhance due to the occupants. Therefore, it is essential to introduce fresh air or ventilation air to the space. The need of ventilation air is much more while some occupants are smoking. In the particular case of auditoriums, due to very large occupancy, the ventilation air necessity is very large. Therefore there is the have to banned smoking in auditoriums & assembly halls. Given table provides the ventilation air needs for some applications.

Ventilation Air Requirements

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