Voltage Calculations:
Equation (7-9) is a mathematical representation of the voltage related along with any particular orientation of a coil (inductor).
e = Emax sinθ (7-9)
e = induced EMF
Emax = maximum induced EMF
θ = angle from reference (degrees or radians)
Example: What is the induced EMF in a coil generating a maximum EMF of 120 V whenever the angle from reference is 45°?
e = Emax sinθ
e = 120 V (sin 45°)
e = 84.84 V
The maximum induced voltage could also be known as peak voltage Ep. If (t) is the time in that the coil turns by the angle (θ), then the angular velocity (ω) of the coil is equal to θ /t and is expressed in units of radians/sec. The above Equation is the mathematical representation of the angular velocity.
θ =ωt (7-10)
ω = denote angular velocity (radians/sec)
t = time to turn through the angle from reference (sec)
θ = angle from reference (radians)
By using substitution laws, a relationship among the voltage induced or the maximum induced voltage and the angular velocity could be expressed. Equation (7-11) is the mathematical representation of the relationship among the voltage induced and the maximum voltage and the angular velocity and is equivalent to the output of an AC Generator.
E = Emax sin (ω t) (7-11)
e = denotes induced EMF (volts)
Emax = maximum induced EMF (volts)
ω = angular velocity (radians/sec)
t = denotes time to turn by the angle from reference (sec)