The year is 2199. For many generations, the robotic Cyleth have faithfully served humanity. However, under the direction of the computerized superintelligence Skyweb, they have turned on their masters. You are one of the last surviving humans, and your goal is to take out as many robots as you can before they finally get you. The robots move as fast as you do. Every time you take a step, all of the robots around you will take a step in your direction. If a robot catches you, you're done for.
The Cyleth have numbers on their side, but you've got a few advantages to help you survive. First and foremost, the robots are not very smart. The robots move directly towards you, regardless of what might be in their way. If two robots collide with each other, they will destroy each other and leave a smoldering pile of wreckage. This wreckage will also destroy any other robots that walk into it.
You also have a personal teleportation device. It's only a prototype, so it will transport you to a random location. It is guaranteed not to teleport directly into a robot or into wreckage, but it might put you next to robot. In its ordinary mode of operation, the using the teleporter will take the same amount of time as taking a step, i.e. you'll teleport, then the robots will all move. However, you can do a limited number of fast teleports, so that the robots don't have a chance to move before your next move. This makes teleportation much safer.
The last trick up your sleeve is your trusty sonic screwdriver. It just so happens that the sonic screwdriver emits RF interference at precisely the correct frequency to destroy any robots standing next to you. The sonic screwdriver is very fast acting, so the robots don't get to make a move after you use it. Your screwdriver has a limited power, so you can't use it all the time, but it can get you out of a tight spot.
Your status panel/control panel looks like this:

Clicking any of the nine buttons on the left move you one box in the specified direction, with "pass" making you stand still while the robots take a step. The "Teleport" button uses your teleporter in slow mode. The "Fast Teleport" button uses the teleporter in fast mode, but consumes one fast teleport. The "Sonic Screwdriver" button consumes a charge of the sonic screwdriver to destroy nearby robots.
The game begins on level 1, and you start with 3 sonic screwdriver charges and 5 fast teleports. When you destroy all the robots in a level, you move on to the next one, which earns you one extra sonic screwdriver charge, and three extra fast teleports. Level 1 has 5 robots, level 2 has 10, level 3 has 15, and in general, level n has 5n robots. The robots are initially at random positions.
The pictures below may help to clarify the rules of the game: