Write short note on c++, C/C++ Programming

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Introduction to C++

C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratories in 1983. Originally, it was known as " C with class". C+ as an enhancement to the C language was developed primarily to facilitate managing, programming and maintaining large software projects.

The most significant aspect of the C language is, probably, the flexibility to do whatever the programme requires. The limits of the language are defined by the programmer's imagination. Unfortunately, with very large projects in which many programmers use shared routines, this liberty can lead to what are known as ' side effects '. This is one problem, which  C++ attempts to resolve by restricting indiscriminate access. At the similar time, C++, also attempts to keep the freedom and flexibility given by the language. All the keywords of C are keywords of C++ also. In addition we have some new ones too.

Though, C++ is not merely an extension of the C language, where some new symbols have been added. The basic purpose of C++ language is to add features to the C language that supports the concepts of OOP.


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