Write code to implement constructor, assessors and mutator, C/C++ Programming

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Study the following  class diagram, additional information  and answer  the  questions that follow:


movieName: string

TicketPrice: double

TicketsSold: int

donation[100]: double 

totalCnt: int





setName(string): void

setTicketPrice(double): void

setnoOfTicketsSold(int): void

computeDonation(int): void


Additional Information:  

MovieTicket is a class written to fulfil the requirements of making 100 donations to charity from the ticket sales.  The donation is derived from 10% of the ticket sales. The donations are written to a file.

(a)  Write the class specification for MovieTicket.  

(b)  Write code to implement the following for MovieTicket:  

(i)  Constructor, Assessors and Mutators

(ii)  computeDonation method

(iii)  writeFile method

(c)  Write a test driver to test ALL the methods written in Part (b).  The program uses a loop  to  repeat 100 times to obtain input (movie name, tickets sold and ticket price) from user and invokes the respective methods to set the values and computes the donation. After the loop, the    contents of donation array are written to a file using the writeFile method. Include a screen output in your submission.

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