Write a program to design a leet speak translator, C/C++ Programming

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The program will consist of two text fields, two buttons, and a counter label.  One text field will be input, where the user types the plain text.  The second text field will be output where the translated text appears.

The program will also have two buttons.  One button performs the translation.  Besides translating, clicking this button will update a counter label to show many characters were changed.  The clear button will clear both text fields and reset the counter label. 

The translations are performed as follows
Capital and lower case "A" become 4
Capital and lower case "E" become 3
Capital and lower case "T" become 7
Capital and lower case "S" become $
Capital and lower case "X" become >< 
Capital and lower case "H" become |-|
All other characters are kept as is.

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