Write a program to calculate the average of ten numbers, C/C++ Programming

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Write a program to calculate the average of ten numbers
    #include stdio.h
    /* Only this header is needed since only IO are used */
    void main()
      char prompt;
       int i;
        float b[12];
        float sum, average;
     for (i = 1;i <=10;i++)
        /*Load up the array with the data*/
           printf("Please enter in your number \n\r");
/* Note that the index must be an integer Whole number of boxes */
    sum = 0.0;
    for (i = 1;i <=10;i++)
        /* Calculate the sum of all the array elements*/  
           Sum += b[i];
     printf("The average of the following numbers\n\r ");
    /* Display the numbers from the array */
     for (i = 1;i <=10;i++)
           printf("%10.2f \n\r",b[i] );
    /*Calculate the average and display it */
     average = sum / 10.0;
     printf("Is = %10.2f \n\r", Average ); 
    printf("Press any key to exit \n\r");

Although we could have done this in one For loop, it shows that the numbers typed in are easily accessible any time within the program It is possible to extend the array to more than one dimension. Although with regards to memory there in no difference, we can consider each element (x) as a filing cabinet which contains (Y) files i.e.

        A[2][3] cabinet 2 file 3

This technique is useful in data processing and matrix manipulation for graphics and CAD applications. We can think of a 2 dimension array (2x2) as a grid or matrix. A better technique of storage is that of the structure.

1308_Write a program to calculate the average of ten numbers.png


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